Letter to Sayadaw U Paññādipā (Beelin Sayadaw)
Dear Sayadaw,
How have you been recently? Hopefully your stay in Brisbane would be just as good or better than, your stay in Sydney a week ago. We wish you safe travels in Brisbane and would like to pray for your health and for you to enjoy your time there.
We would like to thank you for everything you have done for us in the retreat. For us, everything you had done has inspired us with reverence and was beyond question. Though words cannot describe all the things we want to thank you for, especially due to our language barrier, we hope our devotion and actions can show it.
We were blessed to welcome you back for the 3rd time in Sydney. Although you are getting older and traveling could put a strain on your health, you still accepted our invitation to teach us the simplicity and mystery of the Dharma.
Once again, we are thankful for you to came Sydney and to teach and give us a better understanding of the Dharma and its practice. We promise you that we would keep Dàna, sila and Vipassana in our life in which you had advised us in the retreat.
Thank you for your time and patience,
Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dhammaya, Namo Sanghaya
Sư Phước Vương quí kính,
Thưa Sư, khóa Thiền ở Sydney đã kết thúc trong niềm hoan hỷ của mọi người. Chúng con thành kính tri ân cảm tạ Sư đã giúp chúng con truyền tải ngôn ngữ, để chúng con có thể hiểu rõ hơn về Pháp học và Pháp hành mà Ngài Thiền Sư Paññādipā (Beelin Sayadaw) muốn trao truyền.
Chúng con nguyện cầu hồng ân Tam Bảo gia hộ cho Sư nhiều sức khỏe, vẹn tròn nguyện lực.
With Metta,
3. Lợi Ích Thọ Trì Giới
8. Trình Pháp
10. Bế Mạc Khóa Thiền

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